Saturday, October 1, 2011

I’m back!

After a two year hiatus, I am back to blogging! A lot has happened professionally and personally for me in the last two years. I received a promotion at work in January 2009, and I bought my first home in July 2010. Needless to say, those two things have kept me extremely busy! I am also pursuing my Master’s degree in Library Science online from the University of North Texas, which is part of the impetus to start blogging again. I am taking a children’s literature class this semester and one of the requirements of the class is to write reviews of the books we read for class and post them on a blog or website. Since I already had this blog set up, I thought I would revive it and post my reviews here. The reviews I write for class have to contain certain elements, like a citation for the book and my ideas for how to use the book in the library. The reviews for class will also have “SLIS 5420 review” after the title and in the tags.

Along with the reviews for class, I will also be posting reviews of the other books I read, along with musings on theater, music, movies, and more. I am looking forward to blogging again. I promise I won’t go two years between posts this time.

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